Title : Nicolas LAVARENNE, Sculptures 1984 - 1998

Edition 1998
Texts in French and in English
by Brigitte Bardelot, Michel Gaudet, Jean Preiss.
Paper bound book 30 x 21 cm, 64 pages, quadri
Start Editions

Price including all taxes: Not in stock.
Title : Nicolas LAVARENNE, Sculptures 1984 - 2002

Edition 2002
Texts in French and in English
by Brigitte Bardelot, Françoise-Hélène Brou, CharlElie Couture, Simone Dibo-Cohen, Sylvie Flory, Michel Gaudet, François Goalec, Mica L., Raphaël Monticelli, Sacha Sosno.
Paper bound book 30 x 21 cm, 96 pages, quadri
Start Editions

Price including all taxes: 40,00 € In stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Others countries: 9,25 €
Others countries
Title : Nicolas LAVARENNE, Sculptures 1984 - 2011

Edition 2011
Texts in French and in English
by France Delville, Brigitte Bardelot, CharlElie Couture, Sylvie Flory et Raphaël Monticelli.
Paper bound book 30 x 21 cm, 96 pages, quadri
Start Editions

Price including all taxes: 35,00 € In stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Others countries: 9,25 €
Others countries
Title : les fumées - Etienne Gros

Edition 2013
Texts in French and in English by Pascal PICQ, CharlElie COUTURE, Christian NOORBETGEN and poem by Françoise ESCOBAR.
Cet ouvrage a fait l’objet d’un tirage de tête de 10 exemplaires signés avec une fumée originale au grand format et d’un tirage de 20 exemplaires signés avec une fumée originale au petit format.
Format 22 x 28 cm, 96 pages en couleur, reliure cartonnée.
Edition Lelivredart.

Price including all taxes: 35,00 € in stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Others countries: 9,25 €
Others countries
Title : Etienne GROS

Edition 2010
Texts in French and in English by Diane Galbaud du Fort and poem by Francis Coffinet.
Cet ouvrage français / anglais a fait l’objet d’un tirage de tête de 10 exemplaires signés avec une peinture originale sur toile et d’un tirage de 75 exemplaires signés avec une lithographie.
Format 22 x 28 cm, 96 pages en couleur, reliure cartonnée
Edition Lelivredart

Price including all taxes: 35,00 € in stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Other countries: 9,25 €
Others countries
Title : Alexandre ORION - METABIOTICA

Edition 2006
Texts by Borris KOSSOY, Diogenes MOURA, Walter FIRMO and Tristan Marco.

Format 30 x 30 cm, 80 pages en couleur, coffret souple

Price including all taxes: 50,00 € in stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Other countries: 9,25 €
Others countries
Title : Frédéric FONTENOY - Photographie 2006-2011

Edition 2011
Texts in French and in English by Jacques HENRIC and Lionel DAX.
Format 22 x 22,5 cm, 80 pages en bichromie
Edition ALKAMA

Price including all taxes: 35,00 € in stock.
Sending: France: 4,70 €
               Other countries: 9,25 €
Others countries